Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Great Escape

So I've been aching to get to Vermont this fall, mostly due to the fact that I haven't experienced a New England autumn in about 6 years, and Vermont is THE place to do it, but also because my friend Adam is holding some of my clothing, shoes, and who knows what else hostage up there (when I came out for the wedding in VT in July, I passed off 3 bags of checked luggage to him so I wouldn't have to ship it when I moved, promising that I'd come up to VT to see his new place and also to retrieve said luggage, and that was July and it's now October, so, well, I kind of feel like it's about time).

Anyway, I was up in the air about going, because it's a lot of drive time, which takes away from study time, and that means I could be setting myself up for a lot of stress playing catch-up at school after my excursion to the great state of VT. BUT one of my classes today was cancelled, which means that I got an extra 2 1/2 hours of study time, and I got ahead enough that I gave myself permission to go (plus, I just really want to hang out with a friend, instead of with a book - is that really so wrong?!).

SOOO, tomorrow, I'll make a break from my internship a little early and cruise up to Vermont, where, according to the Foliage Vermont website (complete with time lapse map of when the foliage is peaking throughout the state), I'm going to get quite a show.

It makes me giddy just thinking about it.

(and yes, Burger, I've already downloaded the new Decemberists album for the drive)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... This concerns me: What exactly was Adam doing with your clothes these past few months?

I'd check everything twice to make sure that nothing is ... conveniently ... "missing" ...