Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Dangers of December

1. Lack of sleep. This lack of sleep can come from the increase in studying and papers due, or from the inability to sleep due to a freezing cold bedroom. If you're battling both, forget it.

2. Anxiety-provoking Patriots games. I'm glad I was in the library and away from the television for most of last night. In the end, though, the Patriots (and my lucky underwear) came through.

3. Icy sidewalks. I walk a mile and a half each morning to the hospital. Usually this walk takes me 30 minutes. Since the snow/slush storm yesterday, and the subsequent plumeting temperatures, the sidewalks on which I walk to work have become trecherous, and my walk time has increased by at least 15 minutes. I am forced to do the funny penguin walk in an effort to keep from slipping. (Sidenote: Dear Trader Joe's, You know how much I love you, so please love me back and de-ice the death traps that are your sidewalks. Thanks! -Fibby) And as if icy sidewalks aren't trecherous enough, today I faced...

4. Wild turkeys. Yes, it's true, Brookline has wild turkeys, and they hog the sidewalks and make awful noises and look like they're going to charge at any minute. Always fun to be on guard against a wild turkey attack first thing in the morning.

A longer post later on the excitement that was my weekend (hint: it involved electricity and the fire department), but for now, back to work...


smukai said...

Me thinks your blog needs a vid of your icy sidewalk penguin walk just for good measure.

Melissa said...

Those sidewalks are death traps. Maybe Brookline and Boston are attempting to help with population control and trying to weed out the weak walkers.

Hang in there. Almost done.

Anonymous said...

December does not involve such perils here in California. The worst it gets here is when you are riding a bike to school in December with a too-tight skirt on and high-heeled boots and you can't pedal as effectively as you would be able to if you were to, say, be wearing pants and flip-flops.

I'm just saying.