Thursday, November 25, 2010


I'm not sure my list has changed much since last year.

I remain most thankful for family. I have learned about love, laughter, patience, impatience, challenge, success, and celebration from my immediate and extended family members. I continue to enjoy expanding on those life lessons every time we're together.

I am thankful for friends - camp friends, college friends, grad school friends, high school friends, work friends, friends I met while living abroad, and friends I met while living out west. Not a day goes by that I am not inspired by what they are all doing, or appreciative of the fact that we've been able to maintain our friendships.

I'm thankful for my job and the work it allows me to do each day. It continues to be an honor and a pleasure to do the work I do every day and I can't imagine my life without this work in it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

1 comment:

aussiekelly said...

We're thankful for YOU Phoebe. Having you in my life reminds me of an amazing time in my life but also reminds me that sometimes I take life a little too seriously - that there are people out there suffering, that I should remember I'm so blessed, and sometimes it's just good for my soul to be goofy!